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Med Spa » Rejeuvapen Microneedling


Rejuvenation from the Inside, Out

Microneedling with Rejuvapen is also known as collagen induction therapy. This treatment creates tiny punctures in the skin using the handheld device.

As a result, the skin shifts its natural repair mechanism into high gear and starts producing collagen and elastin to repair these micro-perforations. It also enhances the absorption of bio-active ingredients such as growth factors that are applied to the skin during the treatment, maximizing rejuvenation.

How does Rejeuvapen Microneedling work?

Micro-needles, precisely spaced in a cartridge, create invisible, vertical micro perforations into the top layers of your skin. As a result, your skin’s natural repair mechanism goes into overdrive and starts producing collagen and elastin. This procedure will utilize the self-repairing property of your skin, giving you a fully natural form of skin renewal.

What are the cosmetic benefits to Rejeuvapen Microneedling?

  • Stimulates collagen and elastin production, plumping the skin


  • Minimizes pore size


  • Reduces fine lines and wrinkles


  • Lifts, tightens, rejuvenates skin


  • Improves appearance of scars


  • Improves appearance of acne scarring


  • Improves appearance of stretch marks

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